Where we’re going…we won’t need…plot.

Posted Wed, 11/03/2010 by Dave

We now return to our regularly scheduled story arc! The good news: we know where we’re going with this, honestly. A long car ride offered an excellent chance to hash things out, answer some tough questions, and hopefully even include some of the humor you guys seem to expect from us.

The bad news? Well, it isn’t really bad bad news. It’s just that this arc is going to be running a little longer than expected. We’ve got some new characters and concepts to play around with, and while we have an idea what our characters are going to do, and even (mostly) how they’re going to do it, the journey itself will probably dilate a little. Suffice it to say that this will be the longest story arc to date in Apartment 4H’s history.

Hold on to your butts, and if you have any questions about what the hell is going on, take a deep breath and leave us a comment! We love answering your questions, it keeps us honest (and occasionally gives us the interesting challenge of patching a glaring plot hole without resorting to that old writer’s crutch, the retcon). See you Friday!