To prey on their fear, move like an animal

Posted Mon, 11/09/2009 by Dave

Sai Sai Sai, as you’ll remember, is the nation’s first all ninja sorority (with a chapter coming to a university near you soon!). Enigma, having grown up in the wilderness of Missouri*, jumps at the chance to impart her wisdom to children. And defend them against the many large predators stalking the woods nearby. Hopefully their mothers won’t get word of this.

Shout-out to my mother for this one, who volunteers at a local nature preserve and who inspired (indirectly) this comic. Love you, Mom! Also props to the fearless (by nature) Rebkos, who serves as consultant for all things ninja**. Her character from the former Cavalier Daily comic (and hopefully soon, webcomic) Confessions of a Ninja Roommate made a couple of appearances in Apartment 4H, and was present in an early draft of this strip.

More ninjas on Wednesday***!

* Not really.
** Unofficially.
*** When did it become in vogue for people to always use more than one exclamation mark if they’re doing it for humorous purposes? Seems to me like it’s just adding more clutter to this post. Leave some thoughts on this stylistic meme in the comments.