Shoulder? I Hardly Know Her!
You are now reading this newspost in the voice of Werner HerzogPosted Mon, 6/7/2011 by Dave
Consider the following. Is Apartment 4H really riffing on a joke almost as old as humor itself? Or are they making a meta-joke, playing off of it in an unexpected style, thus creating humor? And if they are not, have they failed to achieve it, or have they created yet another layer of meaning and humor, a doubly-meta joke–Jokeception, if you will.
Is that a hackneyed pop culture reference, or a witty one? Are they being funny in this newspost, or just weird?
In case you couldn’t tell…Posted Tues, 6/7/2011 by Joe
I’ve been reading a lot of Rage Comics lately.
A full explanation of every facet of this comic can be obtained by emailing the illustrator at
Tori, it’s probably good you don’t get it.
Just saying, as your older cousin.
I dont get it. Hmmm thinking. Still don’t get it.
I just really like Conquest’s face in the third panel. He was *not* expecting that elbow, let me tell you! Ah, the drollery.