Heaven or Hell?

Posted Wed, 3/10/2010 by Dave

I’m no betting man, but betting against the anthropomorphic incarnation of war itself is generally a bad idea. Ted is going to get shamed, that’s the only thing I know for sure about Friday’s comic.

Joe and I did have a great time cavorting around Cincinnati together, and it’s not nearly as much of a wasteland as his post Monday would lead you to believe. If it were, we’d call it Cleveland! Ha-cha! See you Friday for more hate towards the Mistake on the Lake.


Posted Wed, 3/10/2010 by Joe

Sorry again for delaying this comic, but I really wanted to give it the tender loving it deserved. Designing Roman centurion armor with a turkey motif was one of the most pleasurable design projects I’ve ever done.

As a “thanks for waiting,” here’re some extras for you.

Full-Res, textless version of today’s comic
Original “Turkey Armor” concept sketch.