What is it with all these bears

Posted Wed, 1/20/2010 by Dave

Even though we’re no longer published in our college newspaper (at least, I think we aren’t–maybe they loved us so much we’re in reruns), we decided to continue the semesterly tradition of a coming-up-soon comic. We even timed it so that it coincides with the start of the University of Virginia’s classes! This one’s for you, Wahoos. See if you can guess which story arc isn’t real. Hint: it’s the one we wish was real.

Joe pointed out to me that we seem to have a disproportionately high number of bears in the comic–not just lately but in general. I have to agree. We have, as they say, major ursa. Perhaps we should change the name of the comic or replace Ted with a bear, instead of with Tom Waits.

And now in important merchandise news: we got some positive feedback on the Nudity Quarantine Zone sign from a few days back, so we’re considering making it into a t-shirt! If you’re interested, put a comment in the newspost below or shoot us an email–if we can get 12 orders, we’ll go to print! It’s that simple. Let no one say Joe and I aren’t perceptive to our listeners. Because we are, especially where nudity is concerned.

Sphinxter? I bearly KNOW her!

Posted Wed, 1/20/2010 by Joe

This is definitely a strip where the low-res / bubble-riddled panels don’t quite do the art justice. For your viewing pleasure, here’s a high-res version of panel 1. Notice the big empty spot on the right. I DO plan for the text bubbles, on occasion!