Every time we say goodbye…

Posted Mon, 09/07/2009 by Dave in response to Semester 2 Finale

And just like that, year one was over. It was more eventful than we had ever imagined–we survived a comic crisis, dealt with hostile and sometimes irrational editors, and put out a whole lot of comics. Joe was off to Italy to study for the summer, I was headed to Indianapolis for an internship. As for the horsemen…well, I pity them, really. I would not wish the work environment of Dilbert on anyone.

We returned from the summer fired up and ready to get back on the page, but short on time. As I was flying to Charlottesville for band camp I was penning comics so that Joe could get them drawn before we arrived at Virginia. And so begins…year two!

…I die a little, I wonder why a little

Posted Mon, 09/07/2009 by Joe in response to Semester 2 Finale

Year 1 – END. Would you like to save the game?