Scouting For Cells 5
A Meritorious ComicPosted Wed, 6/2/2010 by Dave
I enjoyed doing the research for this comic. The merit badges of the present day aren’t too strange. The weirdest they get is probably Pulp and Paper. The Basketry badge seems a bit outdated, and the Nuclear Science badge seems a bit far out for most citizens, but I suppose both of those have their following.
But the discontinued merit badges…well, there are some real gems, mostly thanks to the naming conventions of a previous era. Citrus Fruit Culture? Stalking? Cement Work? I’m disappointed that Master-At-Arms only lasted for a single year. Our nation could always use more of those. And as for Beefarming…let’s just say I didn’t break up that word properly the first time (and incorrectly assumed it was an antiquated practice related to bodybuilding).
I don’t know if it still exists, bu I once got a Brownie or Junior Girl Scout (can’t remember which) badge for “Becoming a Woman” (totally the real name of the badge).
This comic was perfectly crafted. The way that Data Entry was immediately preceded by Waste Management, which is a totally plausible merit badge, convinced me for almost half a second that Data Entry was a real merit badge.
I will say, I do wonder how hard one must look to find a merit badge counselor in barn burning. What about road tripping? Time traveling? Sheep humping? Sock-hoppin’? High-toppin’? Hip-hoppin’?
I also parsed “beefarming” incorrectly on the first go-around. Hilarious.
Or giving weapons to steak. That’d be worth a badge.
I have an old boy scout handbook from… I think the 40s… that tells you in great detail how to catch, kill, clean, and cook a wild boar using nothing but a pocket knife, sticks, and some twine. It’s pretty fantastic.
wow, do I love the badge for trepanning. “Are you gonna get your trepanning badge?” “I need that badge like I need a hole in the head.”